Ontario recognition
In 2022, the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development Chief Prevention Office accredited CIAC’s Responsible Care as an Occupation Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) within its Supporting Ontario’s Safe Employers (SOSE) program. SOSE is a voluntary program run by the Chief Prevention Officer (CPO) that promotes health and safety in the workplace and helps reduce injuries and illness. Organizations that are recognized by the CPO may also be eligible for financial incentives from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).
Federal recognition of Responsible Care® and Operation Clean Sweep
On February 3, CIAC’s Responsible Care and Operation Clean Sweep programs were federally recognized through the federal government’s proposed Code of Practice for the Environmentally Sound Management of Chemical Substances in the Chemicals, Plastics and Rubber Sectors. This Code is meant to identify and promote best practices in the management and handling of chemical substances and to be a supporting risk management instrument under Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan. It allows reporting on the implementation of certain best practices through Responsible Care and/or OCS verification. Explore the Code’s Evaluation Checklist here.
National Emissions Reduction Masterplan (NERM) Progress (2005 vs. 2022)
CIAC members are focused on reducing Greenhouse gas emissions to 2005 levels, driven by the Paris Agreement. Year after year, members continue to make significant progress in lowering emissions and their overall environmental impact.
Since 2005, CIAC members have…

Reduced carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2) emission intensity by 31%

Reduced criteria air contaminant emission intensity, including oxides of nitrogen, ozone, sulphur dioxide, total particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds, by 34%

Reduced total particulate matter (TPM) emission intensity by 41%

Reduced overall emissions to water by 40%

Reduced volatile organic compounds (VOC) emission intensity by 13%

In 2012, CIAC launched the Resource Conservation Metrics (RCM) survey of waste and water metrics.
Since 2012, CIAC members have…

Reduced total hazardous waste for disposal by 42%

Reduced total non-hazardous waste for disposal by 89%

Reduced net water consumption by 12%
Recognizing our members’ commitment to Responsible Care®
Verifications completed in 2022

Awards and Events
Safety and Health Analysis, Recognition, and Exchange (SHARE) Awards
CIAC was pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 safety awards sponsored by CIAC’s Safety Health Analysis Recognition and Exchange (SHARE) Network. The winners were announced at the annual in-person SHARE meeting in Sarnia, Ontario on October 25.
Excellence in Safety Award:
Improvement in Safety Award:

New Responsible Care Awards
This new awards program includes four code-based awards to recognize a company (or companies) that have exemplified each code, as well as the codes as a whole.
- Operations Award: For contributions in transportation, occupational health and safety, process safety, and/or resource conservation.
- Stewardship Award: For contributions in product stewardship, value chain stewardship, and/or research and development.
- Accountability Award: For contributions in community engagement and/or equity, diversity and inclusion.
- Company of the Year Award: For organizations that have exemplified each code, as well as the codes as a whole.
The program also includes three awards that align with the Responsible Care ethic and principles.
- The Jean Bélanger Award: To honour individuals who reflect Responsible Care in all aspects of their life.
- The Women in Chemistry Award: To recognize women who are seen as leaders in the field of chemistry.
- The Excellence in Partnership Award: To honour implementation partners who has provided significant value to Responsible Care.
Since the launch of the program, CIAC Members, CIAC Plastics Division Members, and other stakeholders have nominated themselves and others for one or more of these new awards. A special ceremony has been scheduled for October 2023 to announce the winners.
CIAC Sponsors Ottawa Riverkeeper Gala
After several years’ hiatus due to the pandemic, the Ottawa Riverkeeper Gala returned for an in-person event on June 1, 2022, where the three main local rivers meet: the Ottawa River, the Rideau River and the Gatineau River. More than 400 attended the annual event that raises funds to ensure the health of the Ottawa River watershed. In years past, CIAC staff have also participated in the Ottawa Riverkeeper annual clean up, part of CIAC’s commitment to the Responsible Care codes and ethic.


Cyber Security: Understanding industrial control systems
On February 22, CIAC partnered with Public Safety Canada to host a webinar focused on industrial control systems (ICS) and cybersecurity. The webinar was divided into four modules that covered an introductory overview of ICS, a comparison between information technology and operational technology, a walkthrough of ICS in the water sector, and case studies of ICS cyber events. The goal of the webinar was to help those who work with ICS understand the impacts and issues faced by these systems in a growing threat landscape. More details here.
Three-step plan to put Canada at the front of the chemistry sector’s race to net-zero
This April 6 webinar featured Christine Nahas, CIAC Policy Analyst, who provided an overview of climate change and emission reductions as they relate to the Canadian chemistry industry and the Government of Canada’s commitments to net zero. Also leading the webinar was Canvass AI, a CIAC associate member and software provider that makes Artificial Intelligence (AI) accessible to industrial engineers. Canvass AI highlighted how AI can play a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the chemistry industry. They outlined a three-step plan for chemistry companies to deploy AI across their operations and use resulting insights to accelerate sustainability efforts in achieving net-zero emissions.

An introduction to the RCMS/ RC14001 audit process

Together with the American Chemistry Council, CIAC hosted a webinar June 2 for companies interested in the Responsible Care Management System (RCMS) or becoming a CIAC Responsible Care member. The American Chemistry Council’s Dan Roczniak, Senior Director of Responsible Care and Greg Rhodes, Senior Consultant provided an overview of the RCMS and RC14001 Responsible Care audit process.
CIAC, Fertilizer Canada host successful Sustainable Hydrogen and Ammonia Forum
Sustainable hydrogen and ammonia have the potential to help Canada meet its net-zero climate goals, but a global transition to hydrogen and ammonia as a sustainable energy source or fuel will take collaboration between government and industry, new or expanded infrastructure and technology advancements.
Over the month of September, CIAC and Fertilizer Canada hosted a successful virtual multi-session series of webinars on Sustainable Hydrogen and Ammonia. More than 150 people tuned in to hear a variety of experts from industry and government discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with sustainable hydrogen and ammonia production, transportation, export, and consumption.
For more information, visit Fertilizer Canada’s site.

Engaging communities through effective social media strategies
CIAC hosted a webinar on November 29 that focused on engaging communities through effective social media strategies and was led by Public and Government Affairs Manager at Imperial Oil, Kristina Zimmer. Through her expertise, Ms. Zimmer has effectively led the significant growth of Imperial Sarnia’s social media channel, making it one of the most engaging grassroots community pages in the region. In this presentation, Kristina outlined the strategies used to build and maintain this successful online community. Watch the webinar here.